Aks Gıda | Aydın
We are a dried fig company in Turkey. Our company registered with the tax office Guzelhisar / VAT No 71791121526, by registration number 18440, to Aydin Chamber of Commerce .The company commenced in 2016 at the dried fig sector in Turkey. Our facility has closed area of 1,000 m² and a production capacity of 50 tons / month.
Binding (Baglama), Protoben, Lerida, Pulled, Garland, Layer, Closed, Handle Pulling our product range according to the demands of our customers from 150 grams to 25 kilograms are able to process and packaging.
Our target markets include Gulf countries, Canada, Switzerland and Japan.
We can include ISO22000, Halal Certificate and Organic Certificate among our quality certificates.
dry fig
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