Chito's Pizza
3616 Dufferin Street, North York, Ontario, Kanada
Chito’s Pizza offers best in town pizzas- shawarma on pizza is our signature style! We have lahmacun, shawarma,salads,turkish baklava and more! #chitospizzadufferin
Established in 2017.
Chito’s Pizza has begun its adventure as Pizza Best on 1238 Bloor Street West in 2001, and continued as Chito’s Pizza on Bloor & Lansdowne location. Our signature style shawarma on pizza became a huge success in a short span of time – our customers loved the eastern twist in a western cuisine. Our founder of Chito’s Pizza thought it is time for expanding as a franchise, so we are back in town on Dufferin & Wilson offering delicious pizzas, lahmacun, and shawarma to our customers.
baklavadonerlahmacunpizzaturkish foodturkish restaurant
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3616 Dufferin Street, North York, Ontario, Kanada
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