Kırmızı-Beyaz | Information, Importation-Exportation, Industry
Rua Senador Feijó, 29 - Sé, São Paulo - São Paulo, 01006-001, Brasil
In 2000 the Forestry Industry Engineer Umut Eker established in Istanbul – Turkey the company Kirmizi Beyaz the business decoration and furniture and make strong in this area. In 2007 the company moved to Manisa – Turkey where remains in the same branch and adds the information services to other big furniture companies.
2010 is the year of mayor decision making to stablish a big country in a South America, Brazil, where the company maintains the original services, adding services for import and export.
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Rua Senador Feijó, 29 - Sé, São Paulo - São Paulo, 01006-001, Brasil
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