SDM LANGUAGE COURSE is a language school providing education in various languages which are educated English, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Greek, Chinese since 1994. At the same time, it is a language school providing Turkish education for foreigners.
We offer education solutions to our students including one-to-one trainings and corporate trainings. Teachers use communicative education methods. Our school keeps the needs of the students in the first place and they carry out special education planning for individuals and institutions. Development reports and performance evaluations are prepared by the consultants during the training program. Thus, trainings are made more efficient.
Each student’s learning speed and shape are different. Our classrooms are specially designed to provide a more efficient education. Technology is utilized both audiovisual and visually in classrooms. In our comfortable classrooms, the student’s concentration disorders are minimized.
Our teachers have the equipment and pedagogical formation to meet all their educational needs.
chinese coursecoursesenglish coursefrench coursegerman courseitalian courselanguage courselanguage educationlanguage schoolpersian courserussian coursespanish course
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