Şimşek A.Ş.
ŞİMŞEK Inşaat Nak. Elek. Oto. Pls. Tic. San. A.Ş. company was founded in 1996, and since its establishment till now the company still continuing to complet all of the projects successfully in all fields, especially road construction, and infrastructure projects, dam building and irrigation systems and construction of the institutions and the private sector companies inside and outside of Turkey. Şimşek A.Ş company Considers as one of the leading big companies in Turkey and in the world. The company was founded on a solid and intact base As well as the experiences accumulated over all those years with our global view based on a good reputaion institutional identity in addition to our strong financial restructuring.
Since 2011 Şimşek A.Ş start operating in the aluminum industry. Now Şimşek A.Ş company become one of the leading companies in aluminuim manufacturing due to our care to satisfy all our clients and customers requests in a very short time, our services are based on mutual trust and high-quality product, Şimşek A.Ş company has contributed by this system to find proper solutions to all our architectural projects and also our special brand design in creating doors and window systems which is distinct thermal insulation or without a thermal insulator also the interfaces cover Systems with With solar shading system and sun protection systems.
aluminum profilecomposite paneldoor windowfacade systems
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