Cengizler Vietra International Transportation
Cengizler Vietra has been serving the road transport sector since 1995, ensuring that your import and export products are delivered safely and on time under CMR insurance. We have tarpaulin trucks, closed-box trucks, and hanger textile box vehicles in our fleet. We provide regular groupage services to all of Europe every week.
Cengizler Vietra has been serving the road transport sector since 1995, ensuring that your import and export products are delivered safely and on time under CMR insurance. We have tarpaulin trucks, closed-box trucks, and hanger textile box vehicles in our fleet. We provide regular groupage services to all of Europe every week.
– Continuously reviews, evaluates, improves, renews, and competes with itself.
– Ensures that its personnel are hardworking, honest, harmonious, ethical, and creative.
– Does not waste any resources and adheres to modern saving principles.
– Fulfills all legal, administrative, and financial obligations prescribed by law.
– Strictly follows business and societal ethical rules.
– Values and respects its customers.
– Takes full responsibility for the services it provides.
– Establishes fast and healthy relationships with its customers.
– Promises only what it can deliver and exceeds expectations every time.
– Understands that maintaining the happiness of existing customers is a priority in gaining new customers.
– Committed to providing consistently high-quality and organized services to its customers.
– Never compromises on quality in service under any circumstances.
– Strictly maintains the confidentiality of customers’ private information.
Countries we transport to: Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, England, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.
albania transportationaustria transportbelgium transportbulgaria transportationdenmark transportationengland transportfinland transportationfrance transportgeorgia transportationgermany transportgreece transportationhungary transportationinternational shippingiran transportationlatvia transportationlithuania transportationmacedonia transportnetherlands transportpoland transportrussia transportsaudi arabia transportationsweden transportswitzerland transportukraine transport