Turkish American Chamber of Commerce
Turkish American Chamber of Commerce has established in 2008. The main purpose is to arrange meetings with Turkish and American businesspeople, provide information for Turkey and America for the newcomers, visa information and much more.
Regular luncheons, meetings and seminars are arranged to create such an environment.
As a Member of the Turkish American Chamber of Commerce, you have many opportunities to promote your business to other Members and to their employees and extended family members.
Network at our luncheon, the first Wednesday of every month. Speakers and great lunch at Florida Turkish Center
“Members do business with members”. Use our newly printed business directory.
The yearly Business Showcase, held in the fall, is a great chance to expose your products and services.
Membership has its privileges and TACC members can expect to receive value-added benefits from our membership.
associationbusiness developmentconsultancyinterpretinginvestment consultingpromotiontradetranslation firmsus immigrationvisa procedures
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