Be Alert for Scams during the Holiday Season

  • TimTim
    Posts: 15

    The holiday season is a beautiful time of year. Winter gives us its share of hardships in terms of cold winds and slippery walkways. But the decorative lights and holiday music of the season can often warm one’s spirits. Unfortunately, the holidays are also a time to be alert for scams.

    Scams are part of life year-round, but the added social and shopping activity of the holidays makes them more prevalent this time of year. Some scams are centuries old, like pickpockets who select shopping centers and tourist destinations where crowds gather. But some scams have evolved with technology, using phones and the internet to trick people out of money, particularly the elderly.

    Common scams include phone calls demanding payment on debts or judgments – pay up or you’ll face legal action in court. To a young generation that grew up with mobile phones, these can be dismissed as silly. But for an old person confined to a home, the calls can be alarming. There are also online scams that try to steal peoples’ identities, through emails or websites. There are scams involving fake charities, romance, travel specials, and work-at-home opportunities. It’s cruel because the victims can be needy themselves… sometimes lonely, or sometimes desperate for work.

    What can one do? We can’t stop the scams. But one can be cautious when giving out personal information over the phone or online. Another good measure is checking financial statements for irregular or suspicious activity. And if some opportunities seem too good to be true, maybe it’s because they ARE too good to be true.

    It’s a shame people must deal with such adversities, especially when life has already been difficult lately. May your thoughts be filled with happier things for now. May your holidays be a time for enjoying the company of friends and family.

    To all who read this… we wish you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!

    Good luck – Kendinize Iyi Bakin

    Timur Akpinar, Avukat

    (718) 224-9824

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