Belkadil International Consulting and Foreign Language Co. Ltd.
Since 2014 to today, our company offer;
– interpreting and written translation services,
– export and import consultancy
– international commercial and individual law
to the companies want to extend into new markets and improve manufactures and trade.
In import, export, customs operations and logistics issues, we are successfully carrying out translation of commercial documents, tender dossiers, contracts and specifications, logistics and custom documents of the firms that we support with our experienced, highly skilled foreign language team. We are trying to give the best service to our precious companies by combining our translation skill with our foreign trade knowledge.
In addition, our company aims to be one of the leading companies in the sector that offers all kinds of interpreting and written translation services in all official languages of the world. Our aim is to produce professional, fast and economical solutions for all foreign language needs of our customers.
albanian translationarabic translationarmenian translationazerbaijani translationbosnian translationbulgarian translationchinese translationcommercial translationconsecutive interpreterconsultancycroatian translationczech translationdanish translationdutch translationdutch translationsenglish translationestonian translationexportfinnish translationfrench translationgeorgian translationgerman translationgreek translationhindi translationhungarian translationimportinterpretingistanbul translationitalian translationjapanese translationkazakh translationkorean translationkyrgyz translationlatin translationlatvian translationlithuanian translationmarketing surveymedical translationmoldovan translationmongolian translationnorwegian translationnotarized sworn translationottoman turkish translationpersian translationpolish translationportuguese translationromanian translationrussian translationserbian translationsimultaneous interpreterslovak translationspanish translationswedish translationsworn translationtajik translationtranslationturkoman translationukrainian translationuyghur translationuzbek translationwebsite translationwritten translation
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